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Courses & Events

Ugly Dog Gravel Triathlon Courses

Distances & Events

The race consists of the following distances:

Super Sprint

Triathlon/Relay – 300m swim/10k bike/2.5k run
Aquabike – 300m swim/10k bike
Duathlon – 2.5k run/10k bike/2.5k run

*The Super Sprint course will not have an aid station on the bike or the run. 


Triathlon/Relay – 750m swim/20k bike/5k run
Aquabike – 750m swim/20k bike
Duathlon – 2.5k run/20k bike/5k run

*The Sprint course will not have an aid station on the bike, there will be 1 aid station on the run that athletes will hit on the out and the back. 


Triathlon/Relay – 1500m swim/40k bike/10k run
Aquabike – 1500m swim/40k bike
Duathlon – 2.5k run 40k bike/10k run

*The Olympic course will not have 1 aid station on the bike, there will be 2 aid stations on the run that athletes will hit on the out and the back (4 times total). 

Super Sprint Maps

Swim Course (300m)

Bike Course (10k)

Run Course (2.5K)

Sprint Maps

Swim Course (750m)

Bike Course (20k)

Run Course (5K)

Olympic Maps

Swim Course (1500m- 2 loops)

Bike Course (40k)

Run Course (10K)

Duathlon First Run Map

First Run Course (2.5k)

Registration for Ugly Dog Gravel Triathlon is now open. For any questions about this event, please contact us here.